Mathematics for Machine Learning (Winter term 2024/25)
Quick links
Ilias for registration
Youtube channel (lectures of 2020)
- On The lecture on Jan 14 needs to be cancelled. Please watch videos (P) 18-21 instead.
- Exam: you need to register for the exam on Alma. Please do it as early as possible, the registration deadline is two days before the exam takes place. The material of the exam will cover everything until (including) the lecture of Jan 30. For exam modalities, also check out the general info sheet about the setup of the lecture: pdf. For the exam itself, please be there 15 min earlier, and bring normal ID and student ID.
To be admitted to the exam, you need to have passed the assignments in the course (as discussed at the beginning of term): you need to have received at least 50% of the assignment points of the whole term. If you got admitted last year, you can also take part in exam (but please send us an email when you register to the exam to let us know, so we can check whether you are really elegible). If you got admitted before last year, you need to pass the assignments again this year. The exam is written. There will be two exams, the tentative dates are:- Feb 7, 15:30 - 17:30, lecture hall N7, Morgenstelle
- April 2nd, 9:30 - 11:30, HS 23, Kupferbau
To see how the exam might look like, you can have a look at the following Mock exam.
Exam Results
- Assignment 1, due 25.10.2024 at 12:00; Solution
- Assignment 2, due 01.11.2024 at 23:59; Solution
- Assignment 3, due 08.11.2024 at 23:59; Solution
- Assignment 4, due 15.11.2024 at 23:59; Solution
- Assignment 5, due 22.11.2024 at 23:59; Solution
- Assignment 6, due 29.11.2024 at 23:59; Solution
- Assignment 7, due 06.12.2024 at 23:59; Solution
- Assignment 8, due 13.12.2024 at 23:59; Solution
- Assignment 9, due 20.12.2024 at 23:59; Solution
- Assignment 10, due 10.01.2025 at 23:59; Solution
- Assignment 11, due 17.01.2025 at 23:59; Solution
- Assignment 12, due 24.01.2025 at 23:59; Solution
- Assignment 13, due 31.01.2025 at 23:59; Solution
- Students exam questions from Assignment 10
Presence sheets
- Presence sheet 1
- Presence sheet 2
- Presence sheet 3
- Presence sheet 4
- Presence sheet 5
- Presence sheet 6
- Presence sheet 7
- Presence sheet 8
- Presence sheet 9
- Presence sheet 10
- Presence sheet 11
- Presence sheet 12
- Presence sheet 13
Lecture notes
Current lecture notes, hand-written, will be updated each week:-
Linear algebra: pdf
(last updated Nov 7)
Calculus: pdf
(last updated Nov 25)
Optimization: pdf
(last updated Dec )
Probability theory: pdf
(updated 2025-02-04)
Statistics: pdf
(updated 2025-02-04)
My Lecture notes of 2020, hand-written:
Linear algebra (A): pdf
Calculus (C): pdf
- Probability theory (P):
- Statistics (S):
- High-dim spaces (H):
Background information
This course is intended for the students of the master
program in machine learning. Depending on your background,
some of the material might be a recap - or not. Contents of
the course are Linear algebra, Mulitvariate analysis,
Probability Theory, Statistics, Optimization. Note that the
course requires a solid basis in mathematics,
similar to what students would have attended in our Bachelor
program in computer science. The course is not recommended
for students without this background.
Info sheet about the setup of the lecture:
You need to register for this course in Ilias, link see above. Registration deadline is Oct 15.Lecture
What: Mathematics for Machine Learning, 9 CPLecturer: Prof. Ulrike von Luxburg
When and where: Tuesdays 8:15 - 9:45, lecture hall N4, Morgenstelle; Thusdays 8:15 - 9:45, lecture hall HS 23, Kupferbau. First lecture is on Oct 15.
We will have weekly tutorial sessions in small groups of about 30 students, where you can ask questions and interact with other students. Based on the preferences you stated when entering the Ilias course, we assigned you to the different tutorial slots.- Assignment to tutorials: pdf
Eric Guenther (organizes the assignments)
Karolin Frohnapfel (organizes the assignments)
Swagatam Haldar
Balazs Szabados
Devank Tyagi
General:- Deisenroth, Faisal, Ong: Mathematics for Machine Learning, 2019. Not as deep as what we do in this class, but a good start.
- For linear algebra, I recommend: Sheldon Axler: Linear Algebra Done Right. Third edition, 2015. There are also online videos by the author if you want to get longer explanations than the ones I will provide.
- Calculus (Integration, Measures, Metric spaces and their topology): Sheldon Axler: Measure, Integration & Real Analysis. 2019
- Calculus (Differential calculus in R^n): Here I haven't found
my one favorite textbook for this course yet (some are too
recipe-like, the others a bit too abstract)
- My current favorite textbook, mathematically rigorous (but not
easy to read):
Terence Tao, Analysis 1 and 2.
- Books with many figures, but partly informal or recipe-like (might be good as a start if you need to get the intuition before diving deeper):
Stanley Miklavcic: An Illustrative Guide to Multivariable and Vector Calculus.
Charles Pugh: Real Mathematical Analysis - A classic: Rudin: Principles of Mathematical Analysis.
- If you are looking for a german book, I like: Walter: Analysis 1 and Analysis 2. The second one covers everything that we have been discussing.
- My current favorite textbook, mathematically rigorous (but not
easy to read):
- Probability theory: Jacod, Protter: Probability essentials. Short and to the point, tries to avoid measure theory whereever possible, yet is rigorous. Good compromise.
- Statistics:
- For a very short overview over all the topics we cover: Wasserman: All of statistics, a concise course in statisticial inferece.
- A bit more details: Casella/Berger, Statistical Inference.
- Testing, rigorously: Lehmann/Romano: Testing statistical hypotheses.
- Optimization
- For convex optimization: Boyd/Vandenberghe: Optimization
- Non-convex optimization basics, in the new book by Francis Bach, Learning Theory from first principles, pdf
- For high-dimensional probability and statistics there are several good books, but they go
much deeper than our lecture:
- Wainwritght: High-dimensional statistics
- Vershynin: High-dimensional probability
- Bühlmann, van de Geer: Statistics for High-dimensional data (this is from the more traditional statitics point of view)