Statistical Machine Learning (Summer term 2024)

I take over this class due to an emergency case in the middle of the term. We will need to get everything going on the fly.
  • May and June, all lectures take place as planned.
  • June 26: no in-person lecture. Instead please watch the following videos: 42, 43, 44 (finalizing classical learning theory)
  • June 28, in person lecture (modern learning theory)
  • Jul 3: no in-person lecture. Instead please watch the following videos: 45 (ML and Society Introduction) and 50 (Energy consumption)
  • jul 5, in person lecture (fairness 1)
  • Jul 10: no lecture, instead I'd like to invite you to attend the Machine Learning in Science Conference in Tuebingen.
  • jul 12, in person lecture (fairness 2)
  • jul 17, in person lecture (explainability)
  • Jul 19, 24, 26: I'll be traveling, please watch the videos 29, 35, 36, 37 on spectral clustering.

Quick links

Slides, updated 2024-07-12 .
Youtube videos

Exam information

The final exams are written (Klausur), the confirmed dates are
  • 31.7.2024 12:30 - 14:30, Lecture halls 21, 22 in Kupferbau
  • 10.10.2024 10:00 - 12:00, 8:30 - 10:30, Audimax, Neue Aula
The exam will cover all the material from the beginning of the lecture to classic statistical learning theory (modern statistical learning theory will be excluded ), and then the two fairness lectures. Explainability and spectral clustering will not be included in the exam any more. You need to register for the exams in Alma (registration deadline: Jul 29 resp. Oct 8). To be admitted to the exam, you need to have passed the assignments in the course (as discussed at the beginning of term). If you got admitted last year, you can also take part (but please send us an email to let us know, so we can check it). On the day of an exam, please bring your passport and student ID and be there 15 min earlier. It is allowed to bring a cheat sheet: one-sided A4 page, handwritten (!!!) by yourself. The cheat sheets will be collected after the exam (but not graded). Important: you can only participate in the exam if you are registered!