Looking for teaching assistants for the lecture Mathematics for Machine Learning

We are looking for TAs for the lecture Mathematics for ML that is going to take place in Winter Term 2024/25.
  • You get a standard TA contract for 40 h / month (about 10 h / week), for 4 months.
  • Your duties are to hold a weekly tutorial group, grade the student's weekly solutions, and help with grading the final exam.
  • You need to be registered as a student at the University of Tuebingen. You need to have a good background in maths. If you have a BSc in mathematics or similar, you can TA this lecture without further formal prerequesites. For ML students I would expect that you have taken the class last year and have achieved a very good grade.
  • To see the contents of the course, the most convenient source is my old youtube playlist: playlist
  • If you are interested, please send a quick application by email to ulrike.luxburg@uni-tuebingen.de . It should contain a paragraph why you are interested, a short CV, and all your current and past transcripts of records. Please generate a single pdf out of this, name it with your last name, and make sure it is not larger than 10 MB, say.
  • We start screening in June 2024.